Class SerialPort

  • public class SerialPort
    extends Object
    This class provides native access to serial ports and devices without requiring external libraries or tools.
    See Also:
    InputStream, OutputStream
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns the same output as calling getPortDescription(). This may be useful for display containers which call a Java Object's default toString() method.
        toString in class Object
        The port description as reported by the device itself.
      • getVersion

        public static String getVersion()
        Returns the current version of the jSerialComm library.
        The current library version.
      • addShutdownHook

        public static void addShutdownHook​(Thread hook)
        Registers a shutdown hook that will run just before the application fully closes, due to either exiting normally or in response to a user interrupt such as Ctrl+C.

        These hooks can be used to carry out any final serial port operations that should be executed to ensure graceful disconnection or device shutdown.

        There is no need to add a shutdown hook just to close all open ports, as this is done automatically by the library; however, any special reads, writes, or port handling that should take place prior to closing of the ports should be handled in a shutdown hook registered with this method.

        hook - A Thread object that will run just before the application shuts down.
        See Also:
        Runtime.addShutdownHook(Thread), Thread
      • setAndroidContext

        public static boolean setAndroidContext​(Object androidApp)
        Registers an application context to be used by the library when running on an Android device.

        This method must be called prior to using any other library functionality when running on an Android device. Failure to do so will result in a runtime error. Calling this method on a non-Android device will have no effect.

        The preferred way to use this method is by calling "SerialPort.setAndroidContext(getApplication())" from your Android application's "onCreate()" method.

        androidApp - The object for the current application.
        Whether the library was able to successfully register itself with the Android context
      • autoCleanupAtShutdown

        public static void autoCleanupAtShutdown()
        Causes the library to attempt to clean up after itself upon shutdown and automatically delete all temporary files it may have created.

        It is not recommended to use this function, as its use will increase the overhead of unpacking the library and searching for the correct machine architecture every time the library is loaded; however, if you have a specific need to ensure that temporary files are removed (for example, if you are using a dynamically generated "App ID" with the "fazecast.jSerialComm.appid" Java property, then this functionality might make sense.

      • allowPortOpenForEnumeration

        public static void allowPortOpenForEnumeration()
        Allows the library to open a port during enumeration to retrieve additional details about its serial number, manufacturer, and description. Currently, this only affects enumeration of FTDI-specific devices on Windows.

        It is not recommended to use this function, as its use will increase the overhead of enumerating devices on Windows; however, if you have a specific need to ensure that FTDI-specific device info is returned by the library, then this functionality might make sense.

      • getCommPorts

        public static SerialPort[] getCommPorts()
        Returns a list of all available serial ports on this machine.

        The serial ports can be accessed by iterating through each of the SerialPort objects in this array.

        Note that the array will also include any serial ports that your application currently has open, even if the devices attached to those ports become disconnected. As such, it is important that you always call closePort() on a SerialPort object if it becomes disconnected, which is detectable by inspecting the return values from the various read calls or by registering a SerialPortDataListener for the LISTENING_EVENT_PORT_DISCONNECTED event.

        The openPort() method must be called before any attempts to read from or write to the port. Likewise, closePort() should be called when you are finished accessing the port.

        Note that repeated calls to this function will re-enumerate all serial ports and will return a completely unique set of array objects. As such, you should store a reference to the serial port object(s) you are interested in in your own application code.

        All serial port parameters or timeouts can be changed at any time after the port has been opened.

        An array of SerialPort objects.
      • getCommPort

        public static SerialPort getCommPort​(String portDescriptor)
                                      throws SerialPortInvalidPortException
        Allocates a SerialPort object corresponding to the user-specified port descriptor.

        On Windows machines, this descriptor should be in the form of "COM[*]".
        On Linux machines, the descriptor will look similar to "/dev/tty[*]".
        On Android machines, this method is unavailable and will return null.

        portDescriptor - The desired serial port to use with this library.
        A SerialPort object.
        SerialPortInvalidPortException - If a SerialPort object cannot be created due to a logical or formatting error in the portDescriptor parameter.
      • openPort

        public final boolean openPort​(int safetySleepTime,
                                      int deviceSendQueueSize,
                                      int deviceReceiveQueueSize)
        Opens this serial port for reading and writing with an optional delay time and user-specified device buffer size.

        All serial port parameters or timeouts can be changed at any time before or after the port has been opened.

        Note that when trying to open a Serial-over-Bluetooth port, this method may fail if the underlying device driver takes too long to connect. In that case, retrying this method may allow it to eventually connect and succeed.

        Note that calling this method on an already opened port will simply reconfigure the port parameters.

        safetySleepTime - The number of milliseconds to sleep before opening the port in case of frequent closing/openings.
        deviceSendQueueSize - The requested size in bytes of the internal device driver's output queue (no effect on OSX)
        deviceReceiveQueueSize - The requested size in bytes of the internal device driver's input queue (no effect on Linux/OSX)
        Whether the port was successfully opened with a valid configuration.
      • openPort

        public final boolean openPort​(int safetySleepTime)
        Opens this serial port for reading and writing with an optional delay time.

        All serial port parameters or timeouts can be changed at any time before or after the port has been opened.

        Note that when trying to open a Serial-over-Bluetooth port, this method may fail if the underlying device driver takes too long to connect. In that case, retrying this method may allow it to eventually connect and succeed.

        Note that calling this method on an already opened port will simply reconfigure the port parameters.

        safetySleepTime - The number of milliseconds to sleep before opening the port in case of frequent closing/openings.
        Whether the port was successfully opened with a valid configuration.
      • openPort

        public final boolean openPort()
        Opens this serial port for reading and writing.

        This method is equivalent to calling openPort(int, int, int) with a safetySleepTime of 0.

        All serial port parameters or timeouts can be changed at any time before or after the port has been opened.

        Note that when trying to open a Serial-over-Bluetooth port, this method may fail if the underlying device driver takes too long to connect. In that case, retrying this method may allow it to eventually connect and succeed.

        Note that calling this method on an already opened port will simply reconfigure the port parameters.

        Whether the port was successfully opened with a valid configuration.
      • closePort

        public final boolean closePort()
        Closes this serial port.

        Note that calling this method on an already closed port will simply return a value of true.

        Whether the port was successfully closed.
      • isOpen

        public final boolean isOpen()
        Returns whether the port is currently open and available for communication.

        Warning! This method alone will not reliably indicate the unplugging of a USB serial port, including USB ports on popular microcontrollers like Arduino and ESP32. It will continue to return true after you open the port until you explicitly close the port using closePort(), even if the interface has been unplugged.

        In order to detect when a port is unplugged, use the following code:

         port.addDataListener(new SerialPortDataListener() {
            public int getListeningEvents() {
               return SerialPort.LISTENING_EVENT_PORT_DISCONNECTED;
               // or, if you want to listen for multiple events:
            public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent serialPortEvent) {
               if (serialPortEvent.getEventType() == SerialPort.LISTENING_EVENT_PORT_DISCONNECTED)
               else if (serialPortEvent.getEventType() == SerialPort.LISTENING_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED)
                  // ... you get the idea

        Once the port has been closed by the event handler, isOpen() will return false, and you can periodically attempt to reopen it within your event loop without creating a new SerialPort object:

         if (!port.isOpen())

        Note that once a USB serial port has been unplugged and reconnected, it's unlikely to work again until the port's closePort() and openPort(int,int,int) methods have both been called to re-establish the connection.

        Whether the port is opened.
      • disablePortConfiguration

        public final void disablePortConfiguration()
        Disables the library from calling any of the underlying device driver configuration methods.

        This function should never be called except in very specific cases involving USB-to-Serial converters with buggy device drivers. In that case, this function must be called before attempting to open the port.

      • disableExclusiveLock

        public final void disableExclusiveLock()
        Disables the library from obtaining an exclusive lock on the serial port.

        This function should never be called except on very specific systems which do not support obtaining exclusive locks on system resources.

      • allowElevatedPermissionsRequest

        public final void allowElevatedPermissionsRequest()
        Allows the library to request elevation of the current user's permissions for use in making certain system-specific changes regarding this serial port.

        Examples of such changes include reducing the default latency for FTDI-type devices using the Windows registry, or adding the current Linux user to the same OS group to which the serial port belongs so that they can access the port without having to make these changes manually.

        On Windows, if elevated permissions are required, a User Access Control (UAC) dialog box will appear, requesting authorization to carry out the privileged operation. On a non-Windows system, elevated permissions will be requested as if you had used the 'sudo' command in a terminal. As such, this function should not be used if your application does not contain or use a console.

        Care should be taken when choosing to use this function as it may cause a prompt to appear during runtime of your final application requesting permission to make these elevated changes which may detract from the user experience of your application. When possible, making any system changes related to serial port usage should be done manually before attempting to use such ports, but in some situations, this function may make it easier for your application to automatically apply these necessary changes.

      • getLastErrorLocation

        public final int getLastErrorLocation()
        Returns the source code line location of the latest error encountered during execution of the native code for this port.

        This function must be called as soon as an error is encountered, or it may return an incorrect source code line location.

        Source line of latest native code error.
      • getLastErrorCode

        public final int getLastErrorCode()
        Returns the error number returned by the most recent native source code line that failed execution.

        This function must be called as soon as an error is encountered, or it may return an incorrect or invalid error code.

        Error number of the latest native code error.
      • bytesAvailable

        public final int bytesAvailable()
        Returns the number of bytes available without blocking if readBytes(byte[], int) were to be called immediately after this method returns.
        The number of bytes currently available to be read, or -1 if the port is not open.
      • bytesAwaitingWrite

        public final int bytesAwaitingWrite()
        Returns the number of bytes still waiting to be written in the device's output queue.

        Note that this method is not required or guaranteed to be implemented by the underlying device driver. Use it carefully and test your application to ensure it is working as you expect.

        The number of bytes currently waiting to be written, or -1 if the port is not open.
      • readBytes

        public final int readBytes​(byte[] buffer,
                                   int bytesToRead,
                                   int offset)
        Reads up to bytesToRead raw data bytes from the serial port and stores them in the buffer starting at the indicated offset.

        The length of the byte buffer minus the offset must be greater than or equal to the value passed in for bytesToRead. If not, a value of -2 will be returned.

        In blocking-read mode, if no timeouts were specified or the read timeout was set to 0, this call will block until bytesToRead bytes of data have been successfully read from the serial port. Otherwise, this method will return after bytesToRead bytes of data have been read or the number of milliseconds specified by the read timeout have elapsed, whichever comes first, regardless of the availability of more data.

        buffer - The buffer into which the raw data is read.
        bytesToRead - The number of bytes to read from the serial port.
        offset - The read buffer index into which to begin storing data.
        The number of bytes successfully read, -1 if there was a reading error, or -2 if there was a buffer-size error.
      • readBytes

        public final int readBytes​(byte[] buffer,
                                   int bytesToRead)
        Reads up to bytesToRead raw data bytes from the serial port and stores them in the buffer.

        The length of the byte buffer must be greater than or equal to the value passed in for bytesToRead

        In blocking-read mode, if no timeouts were specified or the read timeout was set to 0, this call will block until bytesToRead bytes of data have been successfully read from the serial port. Otherwise, this method will return after bytesToRead bytes of data have been read or the number of milliseconds specified by the read timeout have elapsed, whichever comes first, regardless of the availability of more data.

        buffer - The buffer into which the raw data is read.
        bytesToRead - The number of bytes to read from the serial port.
        The number of bytes successfully read, or -1 if there was an error reading from the port.
      • writeBytes

        public final int writeBytes​(byte[] buffer,
                                    int bytesToWrite,
                                    int offset)
        Writes up to bytesToWrite raw data bytes from the buffer parameter to the serial port starting at the indicated offset.

        The length of the byte buffer minus the offset must be greater than or equal to the value passed in for bytesToWrite. If not, a value of -2 will be returned.

        In blocking-write mode, this call will block until bytesToWrite bytes of data have been successfully written to the serial port. Otherwise, this method will return after bytesToWrite bytes of data have been written to the device driver's internal data buffer, which, in most cases, should be almost instantaneous unless the data buffer is full.

        buffer - The buffer containing the raw data to write to the serial port.
        bytesToWrite - The number of bytes to write to the serial port.
        offset - The buffer index from which to begin writing to the serial port.
        The number of bytes successfully written, -1 if there was a writing error, or -2 if there was a buffer-size error.
      • writeBytes

        public final int writeBytes​(byte[] buffer,
                                    int bytesToWrite)
        Writes up to bytesToWrite raw data bytes from the buffer parameter to the serial port.

        The length of the byte buffer must be greater than or equal to the value passed in for bytesToWrite

        In blocking-write mode, this call will block until bytesToWrite bytes of data have been successfully written to the serial port. Otherwise, this method will return after bytesToWrite bytes of data have been written to the device driver's internal data buffer, which, in most cases, should be almost instantaneous unless the data buffer is full.

        buffer - The buffer containing the raw data to write to the serial port.
        bytesToWrite - The number of bytes to write to the serial port.
        The number of bytes successfully written, or -1 if there was an error writing to the port.
      • getDeviceWriteBufferSize

        public final int getDeviceWriteBufferSize()
        Returns the underlying transmit buffer size used by the serial port device driver. The device or operating system may choose to misrepresent this value.

        Only Windows and Linux-based operating systems are potentially able to return a correct value for this method. On other operating systems, this value is undefined.

        The underlying device transmit buffer size.
      • getDeviceReadBufferSize

        public final int getDeviceReadBufferSize()
        Returns the underlying receive buffer size used by the serial port device driver. The device or operating system may choose to misrepresent this value.

        Only Windows and Linux-based operating systems are potentially able to return a correct value for this method. On other operating systems, this value is undefined.

        The underlying device receive buffer size.
      • setBreak

        public final boolean setBreak()
        Sets the BREAK signal on the serial control line.
        true if successful, false if not.
      • clearBreak

        public final boolean clearBreak()
        Clears the BREAK signal from the serial control line.
        true if successful, false if not.
      • setRTS

        public final boolean setRTS()
        Asserts RTS by setting the line's state to 1.
        • On a "real" RS232 port, setting RTS causes the pin to output a positive voltage.
        • With a typical USB-UART bridge (like the CP210x), the RTS pin is "active low," so setting RTS causes the pin to go LOW.
        true if successful, false if not.
      • clearRTS

        public final boolean clearRTS()
        De-asserts RTS by clearing the line's state to 0.
        • On a "real" RS232 port, clearing RTS causes the pin to output a negative voltage.
        • With a typical USB-UART bridge (like the CP210x), RTS is "active low," so clearing RTS causes the pin to go HIGH.
        true if successful, false if not.
      • setDTR

        public final boolean setDTR()
        Asserts DTR by setting the line's state to 1.
        • On a "real" RS232 port, asserting DTR causes the pin to output a positive voltage.
        • With a typical USB-UART bridge (like the CP210x), DTR is "active low," so setting DTR causes the pin to go LOW.
        true if successful, false if not.
      • clearDTR

        public final boolean clearDTR()
        De-asserts DTR by clearing the line's state to 0.
        • On a "real" RS232 port, clearing DTR causes the pin to output a negative voltage.
        • With a typical USB-UART bridge (like the CP210x), the DTR pin is "active low," so clearing DTR causes the pin to go HIGH.

        If you call this function before opening your port, it may help to mitigate a known problem with Arduino-based devices resetting themselves upon a connection being made.

        true if successful, false if not.
      • getCTS

        public final boolean getCTS()
        Returns whether the CTS line is currently asserted.
        Whether or not the CTS line is asserted.
      • getDSR

        public final boolean getDSR()
        Returns whether the DSR line is currently asserted.
        Whether or not the DSR line is asserted.
      • getDCD

        public final boolean getDCD()
        Returns whether the DCD line is currently asserted.
        Whether or not the DCD line is asserted.
      • getDTR

        public final boolean getDTR()
        Returns whether the DTR line is currently asserted.

        Note that polling this line's status is not supported on Windows, so results may be incorrect.

        Whether or not the DTR line is asserted.
      • getRTS

        public final boolean getRTS()
        Returns whether the RTS line is currently asserted.

        Note that polling this line's status is not supported on Windows, so results may be incorrect.

        Whether or not the RTS line is asserted.
      • getRI

        public final boolean getRI()
        Returns whether the RI line is currently asserted.
        Whether or not the RI line is asserted.
      • flushDataListener

        public final void flushDataListener()
        Flushes any already-received data from the registered SerialPortDataListener that has not yet triggered an event.
      • removeDataListener

        public final void removeDataListener()
        Removes the associated SerialPortDataListener from the serial port interface.
      • flushIOBuffers

        public final boolean flushIOBuffers()
        Flushes the serial port's Rx/Tx device buffers.

        If this function is called before the port is open, then the buffers will be flushed immediately after opening the port. If called on an already-open port, flushing of the buffers will happen immediately.

        Note that flushing serial buffers will always work on real serial ports; however, many USB-to-serial converters do not accurately implement this functionality, so the flushing may not always work as expected, especially immediately after opening a new port.

        Whether the IO buffers were (or will be) successfully flushed.
      • setComPortParameters

        public final boolean setComPortParameters​(int newBaudRate,
                                                  int newDataBits,
                                                  int newStopBits,
                                                  int newParity)
        Sets all serial port parameters at one time.

        Allows the user to set all port parameters with a single function call.

        The baud rate can be any arbitrary value specified by the user. The default value is 9600 baud. The data bits parameter specifies how many data bits to use per word. The default is 8, but any values from 5 to 8 are acceptable.

        The default number of stop bits is 1, but 2 bits can also be used or even 1.5 on Windows machines. Please use the built-in constants for this parameter (ONE_STOP_BIT, ONE_POINT_FIVE_STOP_BITS, TWO_STOP_BITS).

        The parity parameter specifies how error detection is carried out. Again, the built-in constants should be used. Acceptable values are NO_PARITY, EVEN_PARITY, ODD_PARITY, MARK_PARITY, and SPACE_PARITY.

        newBaudRate - The desired baud rate for this serial port.
        newDataBits - The number of data bits to use per word.
        newStopBits - The number of stop bits to use.
        newParity - The type of parity error-checking desired.
        Whether the port configuration is valid or disallowed on this system (only meaningful after the port is already opened).
        See Also:
      • setComPortParameters

        public final boolean setComPortParameters​(int newBaudRate,
                                                  int newDataBits,
                                                  int newStopBits,
                                                  int newParity,
                                                  boolean useRS485Mode)
        Sets all serial port parameters at one time.

        Allows the user to set all port parameters with a single function call.

        The baud rate can be any arbitrary value specified by the user. The default value is 9600 baud. The data bits parameter specifies how many data bits to use per word. The default is 8, but any values from 5 to 8 are acceptable.

        The default number of stop bits is 1, but 2 bits can also be used or even 1.5 on Windows machines. Please use the built-in constants for this parameter (ONE_STOP_BIT, ONE_POINT_FIVE_STOP_BITS, TWO_STOP_BITS).

        The parity parameter specifies how error detection is carried out. Again, the built-in constants should be used. Acceptable values are NO_PARITY, EVEN_PARITY, ODD_PARITY, MARK_PARITY, and SPACE_PARITY.

        RS-485 mode can be used to enable transmit/receive mode signaling using the RTS pin. This mode should be set if you plan to use this library with an RS-485 device. Note that this mode requires support from the underlying device driver, so it may not work with all RS-485 devices.

        newBaudRate - The desired baud rate for this serial port.
        newDataBits - The number of data bits to use per word.
        newStopBits - The number of stop bits to use.
        newParity - The type of parity error-checking desired.
        useRS485Mode - Whether to enable RS-485 mode.
        Whether the port configuration is valid or disallowed on this system (only meaningful after the port is already opened).
        See Also:
      • setComPortTimeouts

        public final boolean setComPortTimeouts​(int newTimeoutMode,
                                                int newReadTimeout,
                                                int newWriteTimeout)
        Sets the serial port read and write timeout parameters.

        Note that time-based write timeouts are only available on Windows systems. There is no functionality to set a write timeout on other operating systems.

        The built-in timeout mode constants should be used (TIMEOUT_NONBLOCKING, TIMEOUT_READ_SEMI_BLOCKING, TIMEOUT_READ_BLOCKING, TIMEOUT_WRITE_BLOCKING, TIMEOUT_SCANNER) to specify how timeouts are to be handled.

        Valid modes are:

             Non-blocking: TIMEOUT_NONBLOCKING
             Write Blocking: TIMEOUT_WRITE_BLOCKING
             Read Semi-blocking: TIMEOUT_READ_SEMI_BLOCKING
             Read Full-blocking: TIMEOUT_READ_BLOCKING
             Scanner: TIMEOUT_SCANNER

        The TIMEOUT_NONBLOCKING mode specifies that corresponding readBytes(byte[],int) and writeBytes(byte[],int) calls will return immediately with any available data.

        The TIMEOUT_WRITE_BLOCKING mode specifies that a corresponding write call will block until all data bytes have been successfully written to the output serial device.

        The TIMEOUT_READ_SEMI_BLOCKING mode specifies that a corresponding read call will block until either newReadTimeout milliseconds of inactivity have elapsed or at least 1 byte of data can be read.

        The TIMEOUT_READ_BLOCKING mode specifies that a corresponding read call will block until either newReadTimeout milliseconds have elapsed since the start of the call or the total number of requested bytes can be returned.

        The TIMEOUT_SCANNER mode is intended for use with the Java Scanner class for reading from the serial port. In this mode, manually specified timeouts are ignored to ensure compatibility with the Java specification.

        A value of 0 for either newReadTimeout or newWriteTimeout indicates that a readBytes(byte[],int) or writeBytes(byte[],int) call should block forever until it can return successfully (based upon the current timeout mode specified).

        In order to specify that both a blocking read and write mode should be used, TIMEOUT_WRITE_BLOCKING can be OR'd together with any of the read modes to pass to the first parameter.

        It is important to note that non-Windows operating systems only allow decisecond (1/10th of a second) granularity for serial port timeouts. As such, your millisecond timeout value will be rounded to the nearest decisecond under Linux or Mac OS. To ensure consistent performance across multiple platforms, it is advisable that you set your timeout values to be multiples of 100, although this is not strictly enforced.

        Also note that if the serial port has an event-based data listener actively registered for the event type LISTENING_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED, all serial port timeout settings are ignored.

        newTimeoutMode - The new timeout mode as specified above.
        newReadTimeout - The number of milliseconds of inactivity to tolerate before returning from a readBytes(byte[],int) call.
        newWriteTimeout - The number of milliseconds of inactivity to tolerate before returning from a writeBytes(byte[],int) call (effective only on Windows).
        Whether the port configuration is valid or disallowed on this system (only meaningful after the port is already opened).
      • setBaudRate

        public final boolean setBaudRate​(int newBaudRate)
        Sets the desired baud rate for this serial port.

        The default baud rate is 9600 baud.

        Note: Using baud rates above 230400 on Apple computers requires additional steps to enable their use that are beyond the scope of this Javadoc.

        Note: For USB serial adapters (like the SiLabs CP210x family, commonly used with Arduino and ESP32 boards), the baud rate set by a call to setBaudRate(int) dictates the baud rate on the TxD and RxD pins at the other end of the USB port, and generally has no effect on the mode or transfer rate of bits across the USB bus itself.

        • The actual achievable transfer rate MIGHT be limited by the USB transfer mode used by the kernel driver itself.
        • Many (though not necessarily ALL) USB-serial adapters use USB "control" transfers. Control transfers deliver a 64-byte payload in each direction at 1 millisecond intervals. This implicitly imposes an absolute speed limit of 64 x 8 x 1000 = 512kbps, minus any overhead related to communicating the state of DTR, RTS, etc. Your interface might be different, but keep this in mind as a possibility if you notice that baudrates above 460kbps (or even 230kbps) appear to be dropping bytes.
        • This doesn't mean you can't set a baudrate of "1mbps" (or 921kbps, or some other baudrate supported at the other end of the serial adapter), but it DOES mean you'll probably have to implement some form of flow control to avoid overflowing the USB-serial adapter's send buffer if you're filling it with bytes faster than the host PC is polling for them.
        • Also, be aware that things like start/stop bits and parity are handled at the USB adapter's end. A byte might require 10 clock cycles at your baudrate to transfer a start bit, 8 data bits, and a stop bit between the USB adapter's TxD/RxD pins, and whatever you connect to them, but the actual payload delivered across the USB bus will consume only 8 bits per byte.
        newBaudRate - The desired baud rate for this serial port.
        Whether the port configuration is valid or disallowed on this system (only meaningful after the port is already opened).
      • setNumDataBits

        public final boolean setNumDataBits​(int newDataBits)
        Sets the desired number of data bits per word.

        The default number of data bits per word is 8.

        newDataBits - The desired number of data bits per word.
        Whether the port configuration is valid or disallowed on this system (only meaningful after the port is already opened).
      • setNumStopBits

        public final boolean setNumStopBits​(int newStopBits)
        Sets the desired number of stop bits per word.

        The default number of stop bits per word is 1. Built-in stop-bit constants should be used in this method (ONE_STOP_BIT, ONE_POINT_FIVE_STOP_BITS, TWO_STOP_BITS).

        Note that ONE_POINT_FIVE_STOP_BITS stop bits may not be available on non-Windows systems.

        newStopBits - The desired number of stop bits per word.
        Whether the port configuration is valid or disallowed on this system (only meaningful after the port is already opened).
        See Also:
      • setParity

        public final boolean setParity​(int newParity)
        Sets the desired parity error-detection scheme to be used.

        The parity parameter specifies how error detection is carried out. The built-in parity constants should be used. Acceptable values are NO_PARITY, EVEN_PARITY, ODD_PARITY, MARK_PARITY, and SPACE_PARITY.

        newParity - The desired parity scheme to be used.
        Whether the port configuration is valid or disallowed on this system (only meaningful after the port is already opened).
        See Also:
      • setRs485ModeParameters

        public final boolean setRs485ModeParameters​(boolean useRS485Mode,
                                                    boolean rs485RtsActiveHigh,
                                                    int delayBeforeSendMicroseconds,
                                                    int delayAfterSendMicroseconds)
        Sets RS-485 mode and its parameters for the device. This is a wrapper around setRs485ModeParameters(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int) for backward-compatibility which disables bus termination and receiving data while transmitting.
        useRS485Mode - Whether to enable RS-485 mode.
        rs485RtsActiveHigh - Whether to set the RTS line to 1 when transmitting (effective only on Linux).
        delayBeforeSendMicroseconds - The time to wait after enabling transmit mode before sending the first data bit (effective only on Linux).
        delayAfterSendMicroseconds - The time to wait after sending the last data bit before disabling transmit mode (effective only on Linux).
        Whether the port configuration is valid or disallowed on this system (only meaningful after the port is already opened).
        See Also:
        setRs485ModeParameters(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int)
      • setRs485ModeParameters

        public final boolean setRs485ModeParameters​(boolean useRS485Mode,
                                                    boolean rs485RtsActiveHigh,
                                                    boolean enableTermination,
                                                    boolean rxDuringTx,
                                                    int delayBeforeSendMicroseconds,
                                                    int delayAfterSendMicroseconds)
        Sets RS-485 mode and its parameters for the device.

        RS-485 mode can be used to enable transmit/receive mode signaling using the RTS pin. This mode should be set if you plan to use this library with an RS-485 device. Note that this mode requires support from the underlying device driver, so it may not work with all RS-485 devices. On the other hand there are devices that operate in RS-485 mode by default and do not require explicit configuration (like some USB to RS-485 adapters).

        Please note that the parameters beyond useRS485Mode are only effective on Linux.

        The RTS "active high" parameter specifies that the logical level of the RTS line will be set to 1 when transmitting and 0 when receiving.

        The delay parameters specify how long to wait before or after transmission of data after enabling or before disabling transmission mode via the RTS pin.

        useRS485Mode - Whether to enable RS-485 mode.
        rs485RtsActiveHigh - Whether to set the RTS line to 1 when transmitting (effective only on Linux).
        enableTermination - Whether to enable RS-485 bus termination on systems supporting this feature (effective only on Linux).
        rxDuringTx - Whether to receive data while transmitting. This usually means that data sent will be read back (effective only on Linux).
        delayBeforeSendMicroseconds - The time to wait after enabling transmit mode before sending the first data bit (effective only on Linux).
        delayAfterSendMicroseconds - The time to wait after sending the last data bit before disabling transmit mode (effective only on Linux).
        Whether the port configuration is valid or disallowed on this system (only meaningful after the port is already opened).
      • setXonXoffCharacters

        public final boolean setXonXoffCharacters​(byte xonStartCharacter,
                                                  byte xoffStopCharacter)
        Sets custom XON/XOFF flow control characters for the device.

        Custom characters should almost never be used, as most devices expect the XON/START character to be 17 and the XOFF/STOP character to be 13. If your device expects different flow control characters, they may be changed using this function.

        xonStartCharacter - The decimal-based character to use as an XON signal.
        xoffStopCharacter - The decimal-based character to use as an XOFF signal.
        Whether the port configuration is valid or disallowed on this system (only meaningful after the port is already opened).
      • getDescriptivePortName

        public final String getDescriptivePortName()
        Gets a descriptive string representing this serial port or the device connected to it.

        This description is generated by the operating system and may or may not be either unique or a good representation of the actual port or device it describes.

        A descriptive string representing this serial port.
      • getSystemPortName

        public final String getSystemPortName()
        Gets the operating system-defined device name corresponding to this serial port. The name will be unique, returning a different string for multiples of the same type of device connected to a single computer.
        The system-defined device name of this serial port.
      • getSystemPortPath

        public final String getSystemPortPath()
        Gets the operating system-defined device path corresponding to this serial port. The path will be unique, returning a different string for multiples of the same type of device connected to a single computer.
        The system-defined device path of this serial port.
      • getPortDescription

        public final String getPortDescription()
        Gets a description of the port as reported by the device itself.

        This will only be available for USB-connected devices that report a product description. Otherwise, it will return the same value as getDescriptivePortName().

        The port description as reported by the device itself.
      • getPortLocation

        public final String getPortLocation()
        Gets the physical location of the port as a String in the form "BUS-[HUB1.HUB2.etc]PORT_NUMBER".

        "[HUB1.HUB2...]" is an optional field that refers to the hierarchy of USB hub numbers that a device might be plugged into. For example, a USB-to-Serial Converter plugged into the third port of a USB hub which is plugged into another USB hub which is plugged into a USB bus on a PC might have the port location "1-1.1.3". A device plugged directly into a PC-based serial or USB port might have a port location of "1-2". A virtual (non-physical) serial port might return a value of "0-0" since this port has no physical location.

        This method may be used to uniquely identify a device in the case where multiples of the same type of device are present on the same system. In this case, the operating system might assign each device to a different port number upon reboot; however, the port locations will remain the same as long as each device remains physically plugged into the same port.

        Note, if you manually specified the port location using getCommPort(java.lang.String), this method will always return "0-0".

        The physical port location in the form "BUS-[HUB1.HUB2.etc]PORT_NUMBER".
      • getVendorID

        public final int getVendorID()
        Gets the 16-bit Vendor Identification number for the serial port, assuming it is USB-based.
        The VID of this serial port, or -1 if it is not USB-based.
      • getProductID

        public final int getProductID()
        Gets the 16-bit Product Identification number for the serial port, assuming it is USB-based.
        The PID of this serial port, or -1 if it is not USB-based.
      • getSerialNumber

        public final String getSerialNumber()
        Gets the Serial Number for the serial port, assuming it is USB-based.
        The Serial Number of this serial port, or "Unknown" if it is not USB-based.
      • getManufacturer

        public final String getManufacturer()
        Gets the Manufacturer for the serial port, assuming it is USB-based.
        The Manufacturer of this serial port, or "Unknown" if it is not USB-based.
      • getBaudRate

        public final int getBaudRate()
        Gets the current baud rate of the serial port.
        The current baud rate of the serial port.
      • getNumDataBits

        public final int getNumDataBits()
        Gets the current number of data bits per word.
        The current number of data bits per word.
      • getReadTimeout

        public final int getReadTimeout()
        Gets the number of milliseconds of inactivity to tolerate before returning from a readBytes(byte[],int) call.

        A value of 0 in blocking-read mode indicates that a readBytes(byte[],int) call will block forever until it has successfully read the indicated number of bytes from the serial port.

        Any value other than 0 indicates the number of milliseconds of inactivity that will be tolerated before the readBytes(byte[],int) call will return.

        The number of milliseconds of inactivity to tolerate before returning from a readBytes(byte[],int) call.
      • getWriteTimeout

        public final int getWriteTimeout()
        Gets the number of milliseconds of inactivity to tolerate before returning from a writeBytes(byte[],int) call.

        A value of 0 in blocking-write mode indicates that a writeBytes(byte[],int) call will block forever until it has successfully written the indicated number of bytes to the serial port.

        Any value other than 0 indicates the number of milliseconds of inactivity that will be tolerated before the writeBytes(byte[],int) call will return.

        Note that write timeouts are only available on Windows operating systems. This value is ignored on all other systems.

        The number of milliseconds of inactivity to tolerate before returning from a writeBytes(byte[],int) call.